
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Whale-ly Updates 8

Hello readers.

Haven't written about my bodily changes in a while.

First stop, I'm putting weight... 1kg to be exact (since getting pregnant) and it shows in my tummy and arm area, so some people have started speculating that I'm pregnant. =/

Secondly, there's this crazy lethargy that surprised me this afternoon. I felt really really tired before and throughout lunch. When I got home, I only had enough energy to change and climb onto bed and then falling into a deep sleep for 3 hours. And now (9.48pm) I'm still tired! Why I'm surprised is because I haven't been feeling this tired for about 2 weeks now.

Gastric reflux is gradually decreasing (HOORAY!) and hunger pangs have decreased significantly in this past week. =D But I've learned that I MUST eat on time, especially dinner @ 6pm. Anything later will mean gastric reflux and my whole night will be spent dealing with metallic taste in my mouth, trying to burp so the gas will leave my stomach, and at the same time trying to make sure I keep my food down.

In addition, I can't eat heavy meals. I need to eat small amounts at a frequent time span. Take yesterday for example. I ate dinner at my mom's about 6.15, and at around 7.15 I took another round. Also, I've realised that for me, warm/hot food sits way better than cold stuff. Ooo and soft drinks are a no no. Too much gas = bad bad gastric reflux.

My abdomen hasn't been feeling as sore and stretchy as few weeks ago, but this week my back has been terribly sore! I don't know if it's the bed, my sleeping position, or the pregnancy. I know I haven't put on enough weight for my backbone to feel it but... Any one has any clue?

Finally, mood swings.... =/ Over the past 2 weeks, I've been ding-donging from worried + crying to placid. This few days, I've been somewhere between placid, angry+crying, and feeling very lonely. Everything's just a mess, and some days I just wish I could retreat somewhere for a nice long holiday... I just want to be somewhere where I can not look at the mirror, not need to try to look or feel normal, and just relax. I told Justin the other day, I don't feel beautiful anymore. I feel like crap, and I even look like crap now. Especially when gastric reflux and nausea hits, I look pale, listless, and grumpy. And people keep reminding me to stay happy so that I will have a positive and happy child. Oooohhh how I wish I could. I want to celebrate my pregnancy too... but at this stage, it just seems physically, psychologically, and emotionally oh-so-challenging.

But all that said... I'm currently at week 9. So that leaves me 3 more weeks of this. I have approximately 2 weeks of progesterone pills to go, then I'll be off of it! I'm sure that will minimize the morning (whole-day) sickness. Hallelujah!

Note: I'm not trying to sound ungrateful. I am 110% grateful to God for this baby! And if I was told that I would suffer like this before I had this baby, I'd still ask God for this baby. It's just nice to share how I'm feeling in this trimester of great bodily change. =)

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