
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Easiyo Real Yogurt Maker

So mommy is a sucker for yogurt. Especially frozen yogurt!! Yummmmmmmm. My hubby can testify to the crazy amount of money spent in places like TuttiFrutti in IOI. Hehehehehe.

I've been researching about giving yogurt to baby, and came across making your own yogurt threads. Problem was, what was basic was getting a way to properly incubate the mixture - keeping it at just the right temperature for the bacteria to populate! A whole long list of time consuming ways to incubate the mixtures turned me off. With limited time on my hands, I'd rather spend money buying them off the rack at a supermarket. =/ But the price... ohhh yes the price... sigh. Other cheaper yogurts just didn't taste as nice, and were packed with sugars and other chemical stabilizers. The ones I really gave a thumbs up to were greek style ones bought in Cold Storage... RM10.99 per 500g =/ Bahhhh.

So I chanced upon Easiyo yogurt maker in Cold Storage yesterday and my heart sang!! The ever-so-rationale hubby stopped me in my attempt to reach for the product and nicely suggested that I do some research first. =/ Wise words indeed. So home I went and researched away!! hohohohoho! The verdict: We bought one today! Starter pack at RM98.99 comes with the maker, instruction booklet, and 2 sachets of premix. If you're thinking of buying it, please ask for it to be opened and checked. Because mine only came with 1 sachet! Thankfully the nice man in Cold Storage was quick to hand me another sachet =D =D

I just unboxed it and my first batch of Strawberry yogurt is incubating. In another 11 hours, we'll give it a first taste! But on hindsight, this impatient mommy should've waited!! Cause this batch of yogurt will be ready at 4am bahhhh... Means I'll either have to set the alarm to wake up and deal with it, or leave it to set longer which will make the yogurt creamier and heavier. Doesn't sound too bad huh? =)

On a side note, these first few batches of yogurt will be going to mommy and daddy. Baby's still battling constipation and yogurt makes things worse. So we'll hold on till maybe her 9th or 10th month =) But I betcha she's gonna love it!

Ooooo I can't wait for my Strawberry flavored yogurt to be ready!

Shall review it once completed and tasted!

1 burps:

mellomouse said...

Ooo you're tempting me! You must do a review on this later so I can tempt my hubby too :)

Snap some shots of it too!

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