
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Becoming a Kiasu mommy??

In 3 days, I would've been a mommy for 8 months. How time flies.

Have been taking time out to reflect this past week and I've noticed a big wart! I may be transforming into mommy-zilla, or kiasu mommy in a more Asian term.

Here's why I think so:
  1. For me, the line between bragging and being proud of my daughter is slowly blurring. I keep "bragging" about my daughter's achievements on FB statuses. It has become almost a natural thing. When she does something, I feel the urge to construct beautiful FB statuses to tell the FB world about it. I rationalize that I'm just so proud that I want to shout it to the whole world. See how the lines have blurred?
  2. I constantly am comparing my daughter to others, especially in terms of reaching milestones! The other day, I got a bit concerned that my daughter's pearly whites are still no where to be seen, while other babies already have nice ones at 6 months. Then my husband stopped me and made me think of how exactly would teething late be catastrophic. Needless to say, it wasn't catastrophic at all! Loud alarms went off "Kiasu, kiasu, kiasu!"
  3. I feel the urge to get my daughter the best of the best that I can afford. Yes, I know the RM20 toy is probably just as good as the RM50 but still.... Oh goodness... sigh. That's where all my money has been going. To fill this crazy irrational "need". 
    The good and bad thing about being trained in psychology and counseling is that it is often very easy to spot all my craziness. To compound the issue, my husband is also trained in the same fields so when I have come up with some nice justification, it doesn't slip past my husband. =/

     I've more or less come up with how this all started and why I've resorted to becoming mommy-zilla, which is a story for another day. So this now leaves me with a question "What am I going to do with this knowledge?" *ponders*

2 burps:

mellomouse said...

Oh gosh Sher. Please don't turn into one of those Mommies :P

But I getcha. It's a blurry fine line, of all shades grey. You just wanna shout to the world cause you are so happy, but envious people might think we are bragging. Pfftt :P

If I was still working and cashing an income, I too would be buying everything I see for Nate. So I getcha on this too *teehehee*

Sher Sher said...

hey mello!

Yeah man! I have to ban myself from updating statuses on everything she's done. blehh

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