Since starting Alyssa on porridge, she has been experiencing constipation... quite bad ones actually =(
At first, my remedy was pureed pear. It'll work like a charm and the next day, she'll have nice soft liquidy poo. But the magic wore out after a couple of weeks. Started giving her vege porridge and still that didn't work.
So I tried giving her water. Since birth she has not taken water. And as predicted, she rejected it. Literally took a sip, and then realised it wasn't milk and spat it out like a whale's blowhole. *sigh* So the hubby and I would forcefully restrain her and try to force down as much water as possible. Most days, that would be no water as she's gotten really good at controlling what goes down and spitting out everything else. =/
So after a month of doing this, I had almost given up. Till yesterday when I was drinking water and noticed her observing me. Lightbulb! I put my cup to her mouth and she drank! Gulp gulp gulp we heard and we were sooo thrilled!!!! So as of yesterday, I've been nicely feeding her water with a cup! She makes a mess cause she's not used to drinking from anything without a teat or spout, but heck, I don't mind the mess at all as long as she's drinking water. So I really pray that her constipation will be a thing of the past real soon! Thank God for guiding us!
Miek miek
28th January 2011, 5.20pm
Alyssa: Emmmmmmmmmmm Muuh muuh....
Me: Mama??? What did you say? Did you say Mama??
Alyssa: Emmmmmmm (whiny cryish tone) emmmmmmmm miek miek.........
Hubby: I think she's saying milk milk.
Me: Try the bottle.
Hubby: (shows her the bottle)
Us: Oh gosh...
Me: Her first word's milk milk!!! ARgggggggggggggg
There goes the battle for the first word. Looks like neither of us won. Milk did. =/
Nevertheless, here's a record of this milestone: First babble word: Milk at 8 months 8 days =)
Alyssa: Emmmmmmmmmmm Muuh muuh....
Me: Mama??? What did you say? Did you say Mama??
Alyssa: Emmmmmmm (whiny cryish tone) emmmmmmmm miek miek.........
Hubby: I think she's saying milk milk.
Me: Try the bottle.
Hubby: (shows her the bottle)
Us: Oh gosh...
Me: Her first word's milk milk!!! ARgggggggggggggg
There goes the battle for the first word. Looks like neither of us won. Milk did. =/
Nevertheless, here's a record of this milestone: First babble word: Milk at 8 months 8 days =)
Becoming a Kiasu mommy??
In 3 days, I would've been a mommy for 8 months. How time flies.
Have been taking time out to reflect this past week and I've noticed a big wart! I may be transforming into mommy-zilla, or kiasu mommy in a more Asian term.
Here's why I think so:
I've more or less come up with how this all started and why I've resorted to becoming mommy-zilla, which is a story for another day. So this now leaves me with a question "What am I going to do with this knowledge?" *ponders*
Have been taking time out to reflect this past week and I've noticed a big wart! I may be transforming into mommy-zilla, or kiasu mommy in a more Asian term.
Here's why I think so:
- For me, the line between bragging and being proud of my daughter is slowly blurring. I keep "bragging" about my daughter's achievements on FB statuses. It has become almost a natural thing. When she does something, I feel the urge to construct beautiful FB statuses to tell the FB world about it. I rationalize that I'm just so proud that I want to shout it to the whole world. See how the lines have blurred?
- I constantly am comparing my daughter to others, especially in terms of reaching milestones! The other day, I got a bit concerned that my daughter's pearly whites are still no where to be seen, while other babies already have nice ones at 6 months. Then my husband stopped me and made me think of how exactly would teething late be catastrophic. Needless to say, it wasn't catastrophic at all! Loud alarms went off "Kiasu, kiasu, kiasu!"
- I feel the urge to get my daughter the best of the best that I can afford. Yes, I know the RM20 toy is probably just as good as the RM50 but still.... Oh goodness... sigh. That's where all my money has been going. To fill this crazy irrational "need".
I've more or less come up with how this all started and why I've resorted to becoming mommy-zilla, which is a story for another day. So this now leaves me with a question "What am I going to do with this knowledge?" *ponders*
First Photoshoot with Uncle Juan
My brother is multi-talented. One of his recent passions is photography - much to my delight! It's a plus point that he is absolutely in love with his niece! After much planning, a date was set for Toothless' first photoshoot! But due to some last minute matters, we only managed to get to Uncle Juan when Toothless was close to her nap time. =( It was tough, but she was a champ! Gave us lotsa smiles when daddy and mommy pranced around like crazy people singing, cheering, and dancing.
Here are the results!
Here are the results!
Couple time = minimal
Since we took a trip to PD this year end for church camp, Toothless' schedule changed. It started with just one night of sleeping at 8pm then waking at 9pm to throw her beautiful sleep schedule off course.
Prior to the trip, she'd take 3 naps in the day, amounting to 2 hours max, and then sleep at 8.30pm right up until 7am. Never waking in the night at all. Bliss.
So since camp, her day schedule has remained unchanged. But her night schedule is horrendous! Especially in the past week. Her usual 8.30pm bed time has been - for the past 3 days - pushed to 10.30pm and last night, 11pm!!!!
As such, couple time has been minimal.
We still keep to the routine of spending time with her, prayers, last feed, and putting her in the cot. Only problem is, this period has coincided with her learning to crawl (Christmas) and pulling herself up on the cot! So everytime she goes into the cot, it's practice time!!! She'll spend an hour to hour and a half just practicing and feeling realllllyyy good about herself. Giggle giggle, fall, climb up again, giggle giggle again. *sigh*
So the battle begins, we've tried patting, singing, feeding, letting her loose to tire her out, and even restraining her but nothing works. Did some research and it could be the practicing period for the new skill and things should go back to normal after she's mastered the skill. I hope that will be the case.
So till then, daddy and mommy will need to have couple time while putting her to sleep. =/
Prior to the trip, she'd take 3 naps in the day, amounting to 2 hours max, and then sleep at 8.30pm right up until 7am. Never waking in the night at all. Bliss.
So since camp, her day schedule has remained unchanged. But her night schedule is horrendous! Especially in the past week. Her usual 8.30pm bed time has been - for the past 3 days - pushed to 10.30pm and last night, 11pm!!!!
As such, couple time has been minimal.
We still keep to the routine of spending time with her, prayers, last feed, and putting her in the cot. Only problem is, this period has coincided with her learning to crawl (Christmas) and pulling herself up on the cot! So everytime she goes into the cot, it's practice time!!! She'll spend an hour to hour and a half just practicing and feeling realllllyyy good about herself. Giggle giggle, fall, climb up again, giggle giggle again. *sigh*
So the battle begins, we've tried patting, singing, feeding, letting her loose to tire her out, and even restraining her but nothing works. Did some research and it could be the practicing period for the new skill and things should go back to normal after she's mastered the skill. I hope that will be the case.
So till then, daddy and mommy will need to have couple time while putting her to sleep. =/
Took a day to fiddle, and decided on this. But I'm not too happy with the fonts though. =/ The problem with fonts is, they are properly displayed only if readers have the fonts installs on their PCs. So the fonts from my library look really good on my PC but not on another if the fonts aren't installed... making my fonts look like a mishmash of funny-looking fonts. =/
Shall stick with this for the time-being. Till then, this shall be it!
Shall stick with this for the time-being. Till then, this shall be it!
Renovation Works in Progress!

I shall be taking a hiatus from blogging to work on a fresh look! Hopefully I'll get it done soon!

Official Business - MyKid registration and name alteration
I delivered Alyssa in SDMC and as with all private hospitals, the hospital tries their best to make application for your baby's birth certificate and IC (MyKid) a more pleasant and easy task. As such, they provide the new mom with a letter from your OB, duly completed forms (except the name of the baby, obviously!), as well as a congratulatory letter with instructions on how to get through the application process.
Here's what this process entails:
1. Fill up application form (usually issued by the hospital as there is a column for doctor's signature).
2. Bring the following to your nearest JPN:
(a) duly completed application form
(b) parents' ICs (original and 1 photocopy - front and back on same sheet)
(c) hospital appointment card (original and 1 photocopy)
(d) letter from hospital (original and 1 photocopy)
Note: baby and mother are not required to be present. Parents can even nominate a relative to submit the application, but you'll need an extra form stating authorization from the parents.
And application is free.
You'll then receive the birth cert on the day itself. We made ours in the SEPUTEH branch in Endah Parade Sri Petaling, which was really empty so Justin managed to get her birth cert in 5 mins. Whereas if the registration was done in more busy branches (e.g. putrajaya), it'll take 30 mins - 1 hour.
But here's the issue I had with JPN seputeh - the lady that Justin dealt with was either lazy, or not fully trained.
On the form we printed very clearly our daughter's name. Her chinese name was to be hyphenated: Kye-li. Justin was told that a hyphen (-) could not be used in the child's name. So boggled and tired, Justin said ok and left it as it.
When we discussed about it after the fact, it was clear that it may not be such as my name had a hyphen in it!! So either policies were changed from when I was born, or this lady had no idea what she was talking about, or she couldn't find the (-) key on her keyboard to key the hyphen in. So this furious mommy did some research and it turns out, the JPN's official policy states that hyphens, commas, and aliases are permitted symbols!
With that, we went back to Seputeh to make the amendment, only to be told amendments can only be made in their head quarters - JPN Putrajaya. Sigh. So we put it off till December this year. Note: any alteration to a child's name can only be done within TWO windows: (1) from birth to the child's first birthday; (2) When the child reaches 12 years old.
Researched the whole process again and here's the how-to should you want to alter your child's name.
(1) obtain forms from JPN office (we got ours from Putrajaya)
(2) complete all sections
(3) you are required to have these following documents:
(a) completed forms + stamp and signature of a commissioner for oaths for one of the sections
(b) parents' ICs (both mom and dad's original and 1 photocopy)
(c) child's birth cert (original and 1 photocopy)
(d) any other official documents with name of the child (e.g. insurance policy, bank account etc)
(e) MyKid card (original)
(4) Go to the ticketing counter, show them your completed forms, take number
(5) submit forms, pay RM2 for processing fee. Submit MyKid card.
(6) wait for a new birth cert, pay RM5 for new birth cert.
(7) Collect and keep slip to pick up new MyKid card 1 month later. Note: you can request for the MyKid to be sent to a JPN branch closest to you.
So all in all, it was a tedious process, especially queuing up for the commissioner for oaths' signature. Sigh. But at the end of the day, what made it all worth while was that the JPN officer at Putrajaya who served us was a wonderful wonderful man! He was not only polite, kind, and efficient, he also had a sense of humor! =)) So maybe there is hope for JPN afterall!
Here's what this process entails:
1. Fill up application form (usually issued by the hospital as there is a column for doctor's signature).
2. Bring the following to your nearest JPN:
(a) duly completed application form
(b) parents' ICs (original and 1 photocopy - front and back on same sheet)
(c) hospital appointment card (original and 1 photocopy)
(d) letter from hospital (original and 1 photocopy)
Note: baby and mother are not required to be present. Parents can even nominate a relative to submit the application, but you'll need an extra form stating authorization from the parents.
And application is free.
You'll then receive the birth cert on the day itself. We made ours in the SEPUTEH branch in Endah Parade Sri Petaling, which was really empty so Justin managed to get her birth cert in 5 mins. Whereas if the registration was done in more busy branches (e.g. putrajaya), it'll take 30 mins - 1 hour.
But here's the issue I had with JPN seputeh - the lady that Justin dealt with was either lazy, or not fully trained.
On the form we printed very clearly our daughter's name. Her chinese name was to be hyphenated: Kye-li. Justin was told that a hyphen (-) could not be used in the child's name. So boggled and tired, Justin said ok and left it as it.
When we discussed about it after the fact, it was clear that it may not be such as my name had a hyphen in it!! So either policies were changed from when I was born, or this lady had no idea what she was talking about, or she couldn't find the (-) key on her keyboard to key the hyphen in. So this furious mommy did some research and it turns out, the JPN's official policy states that hyphens, commas, and aliases are permitted symbols!
With that, we went back to Seputeh to make the amendment, only to be told amendments can only be made in their head quarters - JPN Putrajaya. Sigh. So we put it off till December this year. Note: any alteration to a child's name can only be done within TWO windows: (1) from birth to the child's first birthday; (2) When the child reaches 12 years old.
Researched the whole process again and here's the how-to should you want to alter your child's name.
(1) obtain forms from JPN office (we got ours from Putrajaya)
(2) complete all sections
(3) you are required to have these following documents:
(a) completed forms + stamp and signature of a commissioner for oaths for one of the sections
(b) parents' ICs (both mom and dad's original and 1 photocopy)
(c) child's birth cert (original and 1 photocopy)
(d) any other official documents with name of the child (e.g. insurance policy, bank account etc)
(e) MyKid card (original)
(4) Go to the ticketing counter, show them your completed forms, take number
(5) submit forms, pay RM2 for processing fee. Submit MyKid card.
(6) wait for a new birth cert, pay RM5 for new birth cert.
(7) Collect and keep slip to pick up new MyKid card 1 month later. Note: you can request for the MyKid to be sent to a JPN branch closest to you.
So all in all, it was a tedious process, especially queuing up for the commissioner for oaths' signature. Sigh. But at the end of the day, what made it all worth while was that the JPN officer at Putrajaya who served us was a wonderful wonderful man! He was not only polite, kind, and efficient, he also had a sense of humor! =)) So maybe there is hope for JPN afterall!
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