From my previous post, many would've known that Alyssa was scheduled to be delivered by C-section. Here's how it went.
19th May 2010
We "check-ed in" to SDMC at 7pm, Justin went to settle admission procedures while I was on the 3rd floor labor ward being briefed on the "events" that were to follow. I remember feeling excited on one hand yet jittery... All I remember telling myself was "where's my husband? I need my husband!" =) Justin came back shortly and we requested to leave for dinner.
Since this would be our "last" dinner before we become a family, we decided to splurge on something nice, God was so good! Of all the Jap restaurants (yes we love Jap food!), Justin picked a REALLY great one, price was right and food was simply superb! Had a nice reflective
dinner and headed back to the hospital.
It was disappointing, though we had registered our interest for a single room so Justin could stay the night, no single rooms were available... we spent the night just talking and cuddling until it was time for Justin to leave. We were still harboring hopes that baby would turn in the right position so I'll be spared the C-sect.
Dr. Tang came in at 11pm to check on me, and baby was still head up. *sigh* At that point, I prayed a prayer of release. I told God to do as He pleased, what was important was that I remained obedient because He had only our best in mind.
The night was horrid... being a very light sleeper, any noise would keep me awake... Imagine listening to the orchestra of snores throughout the night from my roommate. =/ And then when I could finally dose off, nurses would come and check for blood pressure and temperature. I remember texting my sister in UK and having her keep me company.
20th May 2010:
At 4am, contractions started, moderately strong period cramps that would come and go. I curled up into a ball on my side and tried to sleep. At 5.15am a gush of warm fluid greeted me. I jumped, and it clicked - my waters broke!!! This was really significant for me...because ever since being told I had to go through a C-sect, our greatest fears were that we'd be bringing our baby into the world earlier than she'd like. But my waters breaking that morning was taken as a sign from God of His reassurance that His timing is perfect. =) I shall blog about this in my next post. I called Justin and he rushed to hospital. It was wonderful having him by my side =)
Called for the nurse and she performed a check for cervix dilation - this was VERY uncomfortable!! I was 1 cm dilated. She then hooked me up on a CTG and I was told to count contractions. I had strong ones lasting 20 seconds, being 2 mins apart. If I remembered what I read, those were some pretty good contractions! Another nurse came in 30 mins later, and exclaimed, "Superb contractions! You can beat any woman in advance labor", I was 1.5cm dilated then. Oooh yes, the breathing techniques REALLY WORK. But playing Tetris worked even better!! hehehe.
Dr. Tang was notified, and she came into check on me at 7am, baby was still head up. So my C-sect was bumped up from 9.30am t0 8am.
Nurse came in to put in my Catheter... which I hated. It's a tube inserted to drain your pee. =( very uncomfortable.
I was then wheeled out of my room to the OT, said bye bye to Justin.
In the OT I had music to listen to, courtesy of the anesthesiologist, which did a superb job! Felt no pain with all the needles and IV lines inserted into me =) Good job Dr. Ngun!
Then came the big moment, in a matter of what seemed to be 20-25 mins, Dr. Tang said, here comes your baby.. *pause* Aiya.... stuck... Seems that a part of her was stuck somewhere in me. So Dr. Tang gave a few hard yanks, I felt my body being tugged from side to side, and finally my baby girl was out!! Moments later, I heard a hearty cry! First thought, Ohhh my, such strong lungs.. I didn't get to see her immediately though... nurses cleaned her up, and 10 mins later, she was placed next to me... Eyes wide, rosy cheeks... I teared. =)
An hour later, I was back in my room.
Everything happened so quickly... on hindsight, all I really want to say is Lord You are so so good! Your grace is exceeding, abundant, so far above and beyond anything we even dare ask for!
As I'm typing, my baby is by my side.. so peaceful... *sigh* =)